Monday, July 9, 2007

A Day in the Life...

So today was an odd day, even before we reached the afternoon.
1) It was so cold that we could see our breath walking to class. It's JULY. I would definitely rather not have the summer stench of 90 degree weather here, but it's a bit too extreme to need to wear a scarf on July 9th.
2) We had to give a group presentation in class today on the nasal vowels in French, which really are the most awkward, annoying sounds in the language like eeeeeeehhhnn, oooooooowwwnnn, and aaaahhhhnnnn. So basically, standing up there making ridiculous sounds in front of people to start the day is just great. One of the parts of our presentation was tongue twisters, as it's a good way to teach kids how to perfect their pronuniciation. Well, apparently, whoever was in charge of these exercises completely forgot to proofread them, and thus the tongue twister on our handout was: "It's not nice to touch your aunt's tits when your uncle has left the room." A+ for inappropriateness.
3) On the way home, still able to see our breath, my roommate got absolutely clobbered by a man running out of control down the street. I mean, football-style take-down. The guy didn't even turn around to say excuse me; he didn't even flinch. So I screamed "Pardon a toi," which is completely incorrect grammatically, and he ran out into oncoming traffic. I really need to work on my spontaneous defensive speech.

All this goodness before noon. So I came home and took a loooong nap.

1 comment:

miaaviva said...

okay.. no words on the class or the take down!.. but honestly.. i went for a walk.. sweat to death.. showered.. played catch with dad for 5 min.. needed to shower again! soooo humid.. okay.. boring comment.. obviously you are not missing much! (at least in mia's life!!)