Saturday, July 14, 2007

Joyeuse Fete Nationale (aka Bastille Day)

Happy French National Day. Woohoo. Today my roomate and I basically pretended it was the fourth of July, since we missed the festivities back home, and drank beers on our balcony and watched the fireworks along the Seine. French people are rather lackadaisical about them; they just casually stand there smoking and don't "oooh" and "aaah" like we do. The fireworks were amazing, except there was no wind to blow the smoke away, so they were hard to see. As we were walking home, some teenagers threw a firecracker in a crowd of us and it went off under a baby stroller. Needless to say, it was not a good scene, though no one got hurt. Apparently setting off your own fireworks is legal here because everyone seems to be doing it, including the old lady across the street who randomly shot some out of her window last night.
So I'm taking refuge inside my apartment for the rest of the night, as to not get disfigured in some freak bottle rocket accident.

1 comment:

Maggie's Farm said...

What a fantastic picture, Jenny! You should print it out and frame it when you get home.