Friday, June 8, 2007

Grenouilles (frogs)

We made it to France despite the 2:45 am departure from Dublin. I miss Ireland already...the friendly, helpful people, the beer, the English-speaking. Mia and I have already been insulted twice by the locals: 1) at the market, we didn't weigh the red pepper and got made fun of by the magrebhin salesman (direct quote: "wake up ladies! you have to weigh the pepper!), 2) the chinese grocery store cashier told me that i wasn't holding my bags properly because apparently americans are so dumb that we don't know how to hold a plastic bag.
so, yes, how i've missed this place. the insults, sexual harrassmentl, and constant sense of self-shame that they bring out in you for not being like them. i don't know about you but i don't think i'd want to constantly smell like BO, be hairy, and wear a fanny pack.
the one positive thing right now: 4 bottles of wine for 10 euros and a view of the Eiffel tower from my balcony.

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