Friday, June 8, 2007

Irish Times

So, we arrived in Dublin on Wednesday AM, slept off the jet lag, and proceeded to the Dublin pubs. Drunks are expected in Ireland as much as the rain, so it wasn't really shocking when we went to Temple Bar and encountered the drunkest girl we've ever seen in our lives.
This girl rolls up to the bar with her shirt pulled up to her boobs and her underwear sticking out of her pants. Sign #1 that it's time to take your friend home. Well, her "friend" that was with her had gray teeth (yes, gray) and reeked of garlic. We concluded that they were Eastern Europeans and I'm pretty sure that we were right.
So, Mia and I are at the bar minding our pints and our own business when psychodrunk from Bratislava comes up to the bar and literally pushes Mia off the stool. She then starts pounding her fists on the bar screaming "Shaaaaanty!!" Obviously no one knew wtf was up with this girl. She then starts screaming for a pen "Shaaanty! Pen!!" and the confused bartender gave her a postcard. Of course, she wrote Shaaanty on it and grabbed the bartender by his collar screaming Shaanty.
I decided to go outside and consult with Gray Tooth about the misfortune of her friend. "Your friend is self-destructing in the bar, big time" and the response was "Oh well, she's drunk." Way to be a wingman.
So the bouncer kicked her out after she was practically holding onto the bar for dear life screaming Shaaaaaaaaaaaanty.
Good, good times.

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